Due diligence

 ProjCare provides building Due Diligence services in the area:

- Technical inspections of a building to assess its condition, preparing a multi-branch technical report that defines the condition of individual building elements and systems.
- Elaboration on the ranking of defects and faults according to their severity
- Preparation of a recovery plan with a timetable and an estimated budget

At ProjCare, the essence of the word "safety" is the comfort of entrusting your concerns and problems
to trustworthy professionals. It is safety that we offer to our customers.

In order to meet the needs and expectations, we listen and analyze the needs of each customer very carefully
We always plan our actions in order to achieve the best possible results of the tasks entrusted to us.
We will not do anythingthat would be disadvantageous for our Clients.
However, we will do everything necessary to ensure their complete safety.
Write to us, we'll answer in 24 hours.
Jaroslav Hrabě (+48 691 192 630)    e-mail: info@projcare.com    www.projcare.com